// 先前 st 的状态一直是 int // 现在需要给出对任意类型状态的 st 的描述 module Part2.ST // Make st parametric in the state, i.e., // st s a = s -> a & s // And redefined all the functions below to use it
// 这里我不小心把类型参数搞反了…… let st a s = s -> a & s
// 剩下的就是把参数补全就好了 let read u : st u u = fun s -> s, s
let write #u (s1:u) : st unit u = fun _ -> (), s1
let bind #a #b #u (f: st a u) (g: a -> st b u) : st b u = fun s0 -> let x, s1 = f s0 in g x s1
let return #a #u (x:a) : st a u = fun s -> x, s
// 这些证明 SMT Prover 可以自己完成 let feq #a #b (f g : a -> b) = forall x. f x == g x let left_identity #a #b #u (x:a) (g: a -> st b u) : Lemma ((v <-- return x; g v) `feq` g x) = () let right_identity #a #u (f:st a u) : Lemma ((x <-- f; return x) `feq` f) = () let associativity #a #b #c #u (f1:st a u) (f2:a -> st b u) (f3:b -> st c u) : Lemma ((x <-- f1; y <-- f2 x; f3 y) `feq` (y <-- (x <-- f1; f2 x); f3 y)) = ()
noeq type tree (acts:action_class) (a:Type) = | Return : x:a -> tree acts a | DoThen : act:acts.t -> input:acts.input_of act -> continue: (acts.output_of act -> tree acts a) -> tree acts a
再定义 Monad 的关键函数,
其中 bind 的 DoThen 分支中,
k 是 f 的子节点,因此更接近 Return,
在下一步递归中 k x 抢占 g 的先机,并最终将返回结果传递给 g。
考虑到 bind 的经典使用场景,g 内部是 f 计算结果造成的变量的生命周期,
因此在 f 没有计算结果时 g 不被调用也不是一件奇怪的事情。
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let return #a #acts (x:a) : tree acts a = Return x
let rec bind #acts #a #b (f: tree acts a) (g: a -> tree acts b) : tree acts b = match f with | Return x -> g x | DoThen act i k -> DoThen act i (fun x -> bind (k x) g)
let rec equiv_refl #acts #a (x:tree acts a) : Lemma (equiv x x) = match x with | Return v -> () | DoThen act i k -> introduce forall o. equiv (k o) (k o) with (equiv_refl (k o))
let rec equiv_sym #acts #a (x y:tree acts a) : Lemma (requires equiv x y) (ensures equiv y x) = match x, y with | Return _, Return _ -> () | DoThen act i kx, DoThen _ _ ky -> introduce forall o. equiv (ky o) (kx o) with equiv_sym (kx o) (ky o)
let rec equiv_trans #acts #a (x y z: tree acts a) : Lemma (requires equiv x y /\ equiv y z) (ensures equiv x z) = match x, y, z with | Return _, _, _ -> () | DoThen act i kx, DoThen _ _ ky, DoThen _ _ kz -> introduce forall o. equiv (kx o) (kz o) with equiv_trans (kx o) (ky o) (kz o)
let right_identity #acts #a #b (x:a) (g:a -> tree acts b) : Lemma (bind (return x) g `equiv` g x) = equiv_refl (g x)
let rec left_identity #acts #a (f:tree acts a) : Lemma (bind f return `equiv` f) = match f with | Return _ -> () | DoThen act i k -> introduce forall o. bind (k o) return `equiv` (k o) with left_identity (k o)
let rec assoc #acts #a #b #c (f1: tree acts a) (f2: a -> tree acts b) (f3: b -> tree acts c) : Lemma (bind f1 (fun x -> bind (f2 x) f3) `equiv` bind (bind f1 f2) f3) = match f1 with | Return v -> right_identity v f2; right_identity v (fun x -> bind (f2 x) f3) | DoThen act i k -> introduce forall o. bind (k o) (fun x -> bind (f2 x) f3) `equiv` bind (bind (k o) f2) f3 with assoc (k o) f2 f3
这样便可以使用 Computation Trees 定义运算:
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let read : tree rw_action_class int = DoThen Read () Return let write (x:int) : tree rw_action_class unit = DoThen Write x Return let read_and_increment : tree rw_action_class int = x <-- read ; write (x + 1);; return x
这样的 Computation Trees 可以被解释运行:
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let st a = int -> a & int let rec interp #a (f: tree rw_action_class a) : st a = fun s0 -> match f with | Return x -> x, s0 | DoThen Read i k -> interp (k s0) s0 | DoThen Write s1 k -> interp (k ()) s1
证明若两个 Computation Tree 相等,interp 它们会得到相等的函数。
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let feq #a #b (f g: a -> b) = forall x. f x == g x let rec interp_equiv #a (f g:tree rw_action_class a) : Lemma (requires equiv f g) (ensures feq (interp f) (interp g)) // 用树的思路递归 = match f, g with | Return x, Return y -> () | DoThen act i kf, DoThen _ _ kg -> // 尝试证明子树中的结论 introduce forall o. feq (interp (kf o)) (interp (kg o)) with interp_equiv (kf o) (kg o)
证明若两个 Computation Tree 满足 equiv 关系,那么它们满足 == 关系。
注意 == 关系是 Provably Equal.
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let funext = #a:Type -> #b:(a -> Type) -> f:(x:a -> b x) -> g:(x:a -> b x) -> Lemma (requires (forall (x:a). f x == g x)) (ensures f == g)
let eta (#a:Type) (#b: a -> Type) (f: (x:a -> b x)) = fun x -> f x let funext_on_eta (#a : Type) (#b: a -> Type) (f g : (x:a -> b x)) (hyp : (x:a -> Lemma (f x == g x))) : squash (eta f == eta g) = _ by (norm [delta_only [`%eta]]; pointwise (fun _ -> try_with (fun _ -> mapply (quote hyp)) (fun _ -> trefl())); trefl())
let eta (#a:Type) (#b: a -> Type) (f: (x:a -> b x)) = fun x -> f x
我的理解是未经 $\eta$-expanded 的函数可能签名不纯,
比如可能带一些 Refinement 或者对象签名,
但是 $\eta$-expand 之后就只剩下函数和返回值。
比如,带有 Refinement 的函数可以满足 funext,但是不满足 ==:
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let f (x:nat) : int = 0 let g (x:nat) : int = if x = 0 then 1 else 0 let pos = x:nat{x > 0} let full_funext_false (ax:funext) : False = ax #pos f g; assert (f == g); assert (f 0 == g 0); false_elim()
module F = FStar.FunctionalExtensionality open FStar.FunctionalExtensionality
然后要限定函数是 $\eta$-expaneded 的:
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noeq type tree (acts:action_class) (a:Type) = | Return : x:a -> tree acts a | DoThen : act:acts.t -> input:acts.input_of act -> //We have to restrict continuations to be eta expanded //that what `^->` does. Its defined in FStar.FunctionalExtensionality continue:(acts.output_of act ^-> tree acts a) -> tree acts a
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let rec bind #acts #a #b (f: tree acts a) (g: a -> tree acts b) : tree acts b = match f with | Return x -> g x | DoThen act i k -> //Now, we have to ensure that continuations are instances of //F.( ^-> ) DoThen act i (F.on _ (fun x -> bind (k x) g))
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let rec equiv_is_equal #acts #a (x y: tree acts a) : Lemma (requires equiv x y) (ensures x == y) = match x, y with | Return _, Return _ -> () | DoThen act i kx, DoThen _ _ ky -> introduce forall o. kx o == ky o with equiv_is_equal (kx o) (ky o); F.extensionality _ _ kx ky
Or 接受两个 tree acts a,返回一个 tree acts a,
是对在前两个 tree 里面随机选择一个执行(取决于解释器)的封装。
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noeq type tree (acts:action_class) (a:Type) = | Return : x:a -> tree acts a | DoThen : act:acts.t -> input:acts.input_of act -> continue: (acts.output_of act -> tree acts a) -> tree acts a | Or : tree acts a -> tree acts a -> tree acts a
注意 bind 函数在处理 Or 时,应该给每个分支都接上后面的步骤:
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let rec bind #acts #a #b (f: tree acts a) (g: a -> tree acts b) : tree acts b = match f with | Return x -> g x | DoThen act i k -> DoThen act i (fun x -> bind (k x) g) | Or m0 m1 -> Or (bind m0 g) (bind m1 g)
解释器中增加 Or 分支,采用随机执行策略:
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let randomness = nat -> bool let par_st a = randomness -> pos:nat -> s0:int -> (a & int & nat) let rec interp #a (f:tree rw_actions a) : par_st a = fun rand pos s0 -> match f with | Return x -> x, s0, pos | DoThen Read _ k -> interp (k s0) rand pos s0 | DoThen Write s1 k -> interp (k ()) rand pos s1 | Or l r -> if rand pos then interp l rand (pos + 1) s0 else interp r rand (pos + 1) s0 let st a = int -> a & int let interpret #a (f:tree rw_actions a) : st a = fun s0 -> let x, s, _ = interp f (fun n -> n % 2 = 0) 0 s0 in x, s
// 此并发逻辑优先执行 f let rec l_par #acts #a #b (f:tree acts a) (g:tree acts b) : tree acts (a & b) = match f with // f 任务结束后,专心执行 g | Return v -> x <-- g; return (v, x) // 如果 f 后面还有任务,执行任务后采用优先执行 g 的并发逻辑 | DoThen a i k -> DoThen a i (fun x -> r_par (k x) g) // 如果 f 是不确定性任务,则在每个分支后面加上 g | Or m0 m1 -> Or (l_par m0 g) (l_par m1 g)
// 此并发逻辑优先执行 g and r_par #acts #a #b (f:tree acts a) (g: tree acts b) : tree acts (a & b) = match g with | Return v -> x <-- f; return (x, v) | DoThen a i k -> DoThen a i (fun x -> l_par f (k x)) | Or m0 m1 -> Or (r_par f m0) (r_par f m1)
let par #acts #a #b (f: tree acts a) (g: tree acts b) : tree acts (a & b) // 随机选择先执行 f 还是 g = Or (l_par f g) (r_par f g)
直接使用 par 构造并发任务:
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let read : tree rw_actions int = DoThen Read () Return let write (x:int) : tree rw_actions unit = DoThen Write x Return let inc : tree rw_actions unit = x <-- read ; write (x + 1) let par_inc = par inc inc
由于 par 可以视为构造 一个 顺序执行事件,
let test_prog = assert_norm (forall x. snd (interpret par_inc x) == x + 1)
module Part2.AtomicIncrement open FStar.Classical.Sugar
noeq type action_class = { t : Type; input_of : t -> Type; output_of : t -> Type; }
noeq type tree (acts:action_class) (a:Type) = | Return : x:a -> tree acts a | DoThen : act:acts.t -> input:acts.input_of act -> continue: (acts.output_of act -> tree acts a) -> tree acts a | Or : tree acts a -> tree acts a -> tree acts a
let return #acts #a (x:a) : tree acts a = Return x
let rec bind #acts #a #b (f: tree acts a) (g: a -> tree acts b) : tree acts b = match f with | Return x -> g x | DoThen act i k -> DoThen act i (fun x -> bind (k x) g) | Or m0 m1 -> Or (bind m0 g) (bind m1 g)
let rec l_par #acts #a #b (f:tree acts a) (g:tree acts b) : tree acts (a & b) = match f with | Return v -> x <-- g; return (v, x) | DoThen a i k -> DoThen a i (fun x -> r_par (k x) g) | Or m0 m1 -> Or (l_par m0 g) (l_par m1 g)
and r_par #acts #a #b (f:tree acts a) (g: tree acts b) : tree acts (a & b) = match g with | Return v -> x <-- f; return (x, v) | DoThen a i k -> DoThen a i (fun x -> l_par f (k x)) | Or m0 m1 -> Or (r_par f m0) (r_par f m1)
let par #acts #a #b (f: tree acts a) (g: tree acts b) : tree acts (a & b) = Or (l_par f g) (r_par f g)
type rwi = | R | W | Inc
// R 只输出,W 只输入,Inc 不输入不输出 let input_of_rwi : rwi -> Type = fun a -> match a with | R -> unit | W -> int | Inc -> unit let output_of_rwi : rwi -> Type = fun a -> match a with | R -> int | W -> unit | Inc -> unit
let rwi_actions = { t = rwi; input_of=input_of_rwi ; output_of=output_of_rwi }
// 编译器一直说 x <-- y 的语法 deprecated // 因此使用推荐的 let in 语法 // 理论上 R W 走一遍也没影响 // 但答案只用了 Inc,更符合直觉一些 let atomic_inc : tree rwi_actions unit = DoThen Inc () Return let randomness = nat -> bool let par_st a = randomness -> pos:nat -> s0:int -> (a & int & nat)
let rec interp_rwi #a (f:tree rwi_actions a) : par_st a = fun rand pos s0 -> match f with | Return x -> x, s0, pos // 对三种操作分类讨论 | DoThen R _ k -> interp_rwi (k s0) rand pos s0 | DoThen W s1 k -> interp_rwi (k ()) rand pos s1 // 自增的时候不需要输入参数,也不需要返回值 | DoThen Inc _ k -> interp_rwi (k ()) rand pos (s0 + 1) | Or l r -> if rand pos then interp_rwi l rand (pos + 1) s0 else interp_rwi r rand (pos + 1) s0 let st a = int -> a & int let interpret_rwi #a (f:tree rwi_actions a) : st a = fun s0 -> let x, s, _ = interp_rwi f (fun n -> n % 2 = 0) 0 s0 in x, s let par_atomic_inc = par atomic_inc atomic_inc
let test_par_atomic_inc = assert_norm (forall x. snd (interpret_rwi par_atomic_inc x) == x + 2)